

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Evil of Banality: “Beata Solitude Sola Beatitudo” While Surviving Abuse

2021 marked the seventh year of my divorce litigation. Three years after the judgement of divorce was signed I am still dealing with its aftermath. My divorce was characterized by corruption, greed and injustice. It seems that I had to face all the “evil” of human nature. Abuse extended from the domestic walls to bullying by neighbors and even by peopled once I thought were friends. My world fell into the “rabbit hole” while I developed Legal Abuse Syndrome. Thanks to a healthy frugal lifestyle, a movement practice and creative endeavors, I have been able to live a productive life. I daily practice yoga and while living in New York City I was daily power walking, often over 15–20 kilometers a day. But any exposure to bullying and harassment triggers severe anxiety, nightmares, insomnia while reliving traumatic episodes.

A clip from the daily recordings of my yoga practice, 19 March 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

2020 Calendar

Art, culture, thoughts, nature, and not only... 

March Equinox: March 20, 03:49 UTC                      

June Solstice: June 20, 21:43 UTC                             

September Equinox: September 22, 13:30 UTC         

December Solstice: December 21, 10:02 UTC          

April 22 | EARTH DAY                                             

Manhattanhenge | May 29 20:13 EDT - July 11 8:20 EDT    
Events S.U.N.F.A.R.M. ||| May 11 2022
SunRise: 5:38 (GMT-4) at 65° | Noon: 12:51 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 66° | SunSet: 20:04 (GMT-4) at 296°
Temperature: High of 75°F / 52°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: NE 9mph

Events ROMA 41.9022° N, 12.4567° E   |  9 May 2022
SunRise: 05:56 (GMT+2) at 66° East | Noon: 13:06 (GMT+2) Sun Altitude at 66° | SunSet: 20:17 (GMT+2) at 295° West
Temperature: High of 72°F /  Low of 54°F | AM Clouds & Sun, PM Rain | Wind: W 8 mph
Events ROMA 41.9022° N, 12.4567° E  | 8 May 2022
SunRise: 05:57 (GMT+2) at 66° East | Noon: 13:06 (GMT+2) Sun Altitude at 65° | SunSet: 20:16 (GMT+2) at 294° West
Temperature: High of 73°F /  Low of 54°F | Clouds & Sun | Wind: NW 8 mph
Events ROMA 41.9022° N, 12.4567° E  | 7 May 2022
SunRise: 05:59 (GMT+2) at 66° East | Noon: 13:06 (GMT+2) Sun Altitude at 65° | SunSet: 20:15 (GMT+2) at 294° West
Temperature: High of 68°F /  Low of 56°F | Clouds & Rain | Wind: NW 7 mph
Events ROMA 41.9022° N, 12.4567° E  | 6 May 2022
SunRise: 06:00 (GMT+2) at 67° East | Noon: 13:06 (GMT+2) Sun Altitude at 65° | SunSet: 20:14 (GMT+2) at 293° West
Temperature: High of 73°F /  Low of 56°F | Rain & Clouds | Wind: NNW 7 mph
Events S.U.N.F.A.R.M. 42.1724°, -73.67528° November 24 2020
SunRise: 7:18 (GMT-5) at 121° | Noon: 11:55 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 26° | SunSet: 16:33 (GMT-5) at 239°
Temperature: High of 57°F /  Low of 41°F | Rain  | Wind: SSE 22mph
Wind Advisory from 6pm to 10 am Friday
As of today COVID 19 accounts to 78.7M cases worldwide with 1.73M deaths.
In the US there are 18.5M cases with 326k deaths.
In NYS there are 883K cases with 36454 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events S.U.N.F.A.R.M. 42.1724°, -73.67528° November 16 2020
SunRise: 6:47 (GMT-5) at 115° | Noon: 11:40 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 29° | SunSet: 16:32 (GMT-5) at 245°
Temperature: High of 47°F /  Low of 31°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SW 10mph
As of today COVID 19 accounts to 54.7M cases worldwide with 1.32M deaths.
In the US there are11.1M cases with 246k deaths.
In NYS there are 565K cases with 33508 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events Sun Farm 42.1724°, -73.67528° October 21 2020

SunRise: 7:14 (GMT-4) at 104° | Noon: 12:39 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 37° | SunSet: 18:02 (GMT-4) at 256°
Temperature: High of 70°F /  Low of 55°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: WSW 11mph
As of today COVID 19 accounts to 41M cases worldwide with 1.13M deaths 
In the US there are 8.32M cases with 231k deaths.
In NYS there are 491K cases with 32998 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events Sun Farm 42.1724°, -73.67528° September 29 2020

SunRise: 6:27 (GMT-4) at 81° | Noon: 12:52 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 53° | SunSet: 19:17 (GMT-4) at 278°
Temperature: High of 81°F /  Low of 62°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: S 16mph
As of 12:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 27M cases worldwide with 881K deaths 
In the US there are 6.29M cases with 189k deaths.
In NYC there are 241K cases with 23721 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events Sun Farm 42.1724°, -73.67528° August 23 2020
SunRise: 6:11 (GMT-4) at 74° | Noon: 12:57 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 59° | SunSet: 19:42 (GMT-4) at 286°
Temperature: High of 88°F /  Low of 66°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SSW 10mph
As of 12:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 23.1M cases worldwide with 803K deaths 
In the US there are 568M cases with 176k deaths.
In NYC there are 237K cases with 23646deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° July 18 2020
SunRise: 5:40 (GMT-4) at 61° | Noon: 13:02 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 71° | SunSet: 20:23 (GMT-4) at 299°
Temperature: High of 91°F / 75°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SW 5mph
As of 12:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 14.41M cases worldwide with 598K deaths.
In the US there are 368M cases with 141k deaths.
In NYC there are 225K cases with 22848deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° July 10 2020
SunRise: 5:34 (GMT-4) at 59° | Noon: 13:01 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 71° | SunSet: 20:28 (GMT-4) at 301°
Temperature: High of 73°F / 63°F | Thunderstorms | Wind: SW 28mph
As of 17:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 12.4M cases worldwide with 557K deaths.
In the US there are 322M cases with 136k deaths.
In NYC there are 223K cases with 22739 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events Sun Farm 42.1724°, -73.67528° June 28 2020
SunRise: 5:21 (GMT-4) at 57° | Noon: 12:58 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 71° | SunSet: 20:35 (GMT-4) at 303°
Temperature: High of 79°F / 63°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SW 7mph
As of 11:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 10M cases worldwide with 499K deaths.
In the US there are 256M cases with 127k deaths.
In NYC there are 219K cases with 21913 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events Sun Farm 42.1724°, -73.67528° June 19 2020
SunRise: 5:18 (GMT-4) at 57° | Noon: 12:56 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 71° | SunSet: 20:34 (GMT-4) at 303°
Temperature: High of 86°F / 60°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: WNW 9mph
As of 11:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 8.24M cases worldwide with 446K deaths.
In the US there are 224M cases with 120k deaths.
In NYC there are 211K cases with 17389 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° June 12 2020
SunRise: 5:24 (GMT-4) at 58° | Noon: 12:56 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 73° | SunSet: 20:27 (GMT-4) at 303°
Temperature: High of 86°F / 60°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: WNW 9mph
As of 13:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 727M cases worldwide with 413K deaths.
In the US there are 207M cases with 116k deaths.
In NYC there are 209K cases with 17193 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° June 1 2020 
SunRise: 5:26 (GMT-4) at 59° | Noon: 12:53 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 71° | SunSet: 20:21 (GMT-4) at 301° 
Temperature: High of 71°F / 57°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: NW 11mph
As of 12:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to 615M cases worldwide with 372K deaths.
In the US there are 183M cases with 106k deaths.
In NYC there are 203K cases with 16410 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
More Information

Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° May 23 2020  
SunRise: 5:31 (GMT-4) at 61° | Noon: 12:52 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 70° | SunSet: 20:14 (GMT-4) at 299° 
Temperature: High of 60°F / 52°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: NE 15mph
As of 6:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to  528M cases worldwide with 340K deaths.
In the US there are 165M cases with  97249 deaths.
In NYSthere are 358K cases with 23195 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° May 14 2020  
SunRise: 5:39 (GMT-4) at 64° | Noon: 12:52 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 67° | SunSet: 20:05 (GMT-4) at 296° 
Temperature: High of 65°F / 56°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SSE 8 mph
As of 21:00 EDT COVID 19 accounts to  4,521,512 cases worldwide with 303,078 deaths.
In the US there are 1,457,29 cases with  86,908 deaths. 
Maps and statistics from here
New York State: Schools closed through on March 16 and will stay closed for the remaining of the 2019-2020 school here.
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° May 8 2020  
SunRise: 5:44 (GMT-4) at 66° | Noon: 12:52 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 67° | SunSet: 20:00 (GMT-4) at 294° 
Temperature: High of 47°F / 35°F | Rain | Wind: NW 15 mph
As of 21:30 EDT COVID 19 accounts to  3,935,828cases worldwide with 274,655 deaths.
In the US there are 1,317,17 5cases with 78,198 deaths. 
Maps and statistics from here
New York State: Schools closed through on March 16 and will stay closed for the remaining of the 2019-2020 school here.
More Information
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° May 2 2020  
SunRise: 5:52 (GMT-4) at 68° | Noon: 12:52 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 65° | SunSet: 19:53 (GMT-4) at 292° 
Temperature: High of 72°F / 55°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: WNW 5 mph
As of 12:30 EDT COVID 19 accounts to  3.36M cases worldwide with 239K deaths.
In the US there are 114M cases with 65,830 deaths. 
New York City accounts to 308K confirmed cases and 13, 168 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
New York State: Schools and non-essential businesses will stay closed through May 15th.
More Information
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° April 24 2020  
SunRise: 6:03 (GMT-4) at 72° | Noon: 12:54 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 62° | SunSet: 19:45 (GMT-4) at 288° 
Temperature: High of 47°F / 41°F | Rain & Clouds | Wind: NNW 2 mph
As of 20:30 EDT COVID 19 accounts to  2,790,986 cases worldwide with 195,920 deaths.
In the US there are 921,958 cases with 52,202 deaths. 
New York City accounts to 150K confirmed cases and 11, 544 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
NYS On Pause Extended
Schools and non-essential businesses will stay closed through May 15th.
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Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° April 10 2020 | Good Friday
SunRise: 6:24 (GMT-4) at 78° | Noon: 12:57 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 58° | SunSet: 19:30 (GMT-4) at 282° 
Temperature: High of 49°F / 36°F | Rain & Clouds | Wind: WNW 20 mph
As of 12:30 EDT COVID 19 accounts to  1,622,167 cases worldwide with 97,264 deaths.
In the US there are 476,818  cases with 17,842 deaths. 
NY State accounts to 159,937 confirmed cases and 7,067 deaths.
Maps and statistics from here
NYS On Pause
All non-essential workers must continue to work from home and schools will be closed through April 29th. 
Everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance.
More Information
NY State 
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° April 4 2020 
SunRise: 6:33 (GMT-4) at 81° | Noon: 12:58 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 55° | SunSet: 19:24 (GMT-4) at 279° 
Temperature: High of 56°F / 46°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SSE 6 mph
COVID 19 accounts to 1,187,798 cases worldwide with 64,084 deaths.
In the US there are 305,341 cases with 8,283 deaths. 
NY State accounts to 113,704 confirmed cases
See map and statistics here
NYS On Pause
All non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance in publicAll non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance.
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NY State 
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° April 1 2020 
SunRise: 6:38 (GMT-4) at 83° | Noon: 12:59 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 54° | SunSet: 19:21 (GMT-4) at 277° 
Temperature: High of 56°F / 40°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: N 10 mph
The coronavirus accounts 894,027 cases worldwide with145,050 deaths.
US has the largest number of cases, totaling to 190,509 with 4,118 deaths. 
In NY State there are 75,795 confirmed cases and 1,550 deaths.
See map and statistics here
NYS On Pause
All non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance in publicAll non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance.
More Information
NY State 
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° March 27 2020 
SunRise: 6:47 (GMT-4) at 85° | Noon: 13:01 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 52° | SunSet: 19:16 (GMT-4) at 275° 
Temperature: High of 64°F / 44°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: N 8 mph
US has the largest number of cases worldwide: 86105. See map and statistics here
All non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance in publicAll non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance.
10 Point Plan
Governor Cuomo announced the "New York State on PAUSE" executive order, a 10-point policy to assure uniform safety for everyone.
The 10-point NYS on PAUSE plan is as follows: 
1. Effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22, all non-essential businesses statewide will be closed;
2. Non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason (e.g. parties, celebrations or other social events) are canceled or postponed at this time;
3. Any concentration of individuals outside their home must be limited to workers providing essential services and social distancing should be practiced;
4. When in public individuals must practice social distancing of at least six feet from others;
5. Businesses and entities that provide other essential services must implement rules that help facilitate social distancing of at least six feet;
6. Individuals should limit outdoor recreational activities to non-contact and avoid activities where they come in close contact with other people;
7. Individuals should limit use of public transportation to when absolutely necessary and should limit potential exposure by spacing out at least six feet from other riders;
8. Sick individuals should not leave their home unless to receive medical care and only after a telehealth visit to determine if leaving the home is in the best interest of their health;
9. Young people should also practice social distancing and avoid contact with vulnerable populations; and
10. Use precautionary sanitizer practices such as using isopropyl alcohol wipes
More Information
NY State 
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° March 20 2020 
SunRise: 6:56 (GMT-4) at 89° | Noon: 13:03 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 50° | SunSet: 19:09(GMT-4) at 272° 
Temperature: High of 52°F / 36°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: NNE 8 mph
6,211 cases in NYC
Public Libraries

City Clerk Offices
Courts (majority of proceedings are postponed)
Jury Duty

Art Galleries
Bars & Restaurants
Fitness Clubs
Hair & Nail Salons, Barbershop
Majority of retail stores
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NY State 
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° March 18 2020 
SunRise: 7:01 (GMT-4) at 90° | Noon: 13:03 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 49° | SunSet: 19:06 (GMT-4) at 270° 
Temperature: High of 52°F / 43°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SSE 7 mph
Coronavirus Related CLOSURES
Public Libraries

Bars & Restaurants
Fitness Clubs
Several stores
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° March 16 2020 
SunRise: 7:05 (GMT-4) at 91° | Noon: 13:04 (GMT-4) Sun Altitude at 47.9° | SunSet: 19:04 (GMT-4) at 269° 
Temperature: High of 45°F / 40°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: ESE 9 mph
Coronavirus Related CLOSURES
Bars & Restaurants
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° February 16 2020 
SunRise: 6:50 (GMT-5) at 106° | Noon: 12:10 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 37.3° | SunSet: 17:30 (GMT-5) at 254° 
Temperature: High of 31°F / 30°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: S 6 mph
Vernissages & Other
Performance: ‘"Activation - Alternative Currencies: An Archive and A Manifesto", The 8th Floor 17 W 17 Street, 4-5:30
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° February 9 2020 
SunRise: 6:59 (GMT-5) at 109° | Noon: 12:10 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 34.3° | SunSet: 17:23 (GMT-5) at 251° 
Temperature: High of 40°F / 31°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind:WSW 12 mph
Vernissages & Other
Artist talk: "Two Figures in a Field". Lesley Heller 54 Orchard Street, 2:30pm
Performance: "Miss Meatface"; in conjunction with exhibition Peep ShowFleur Du Mal 175 Mott Street 3-6pm
Artist talk: "Abstract Gravity" at Lichtundfire 175 Rivington Street, 5:30-7:30pm
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° February 2 2020 
SunRise: 7:05 (GMT-5) at 112° | Noon: 12:09 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 32° | SunSet: 17:14 (GMT-5) at 248° 
Temperature: High of 43°F / 38°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind:WSW 8 mph
Vernissages & Other
Performance: Center for Experimental Lectures  at Artists Space 11 Cortland Alley, 6pm
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° January 24 2020 
SunRise: 7:13 (GMT-5) at 115° | Noon: 12:08 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 30° | SunSet: 17:03 (GMT-5) at 245° 
Temperature: High of 50°F / 39°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: ENE 5 mph
Vernissages & Other
Master Drawings New York: Preview @ various locations, 6-8pm
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° January 22 2020 
SunRise: 7:14 (GMT-5) at 116° | Noon: 12:07 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 30° | SunSet: 17:00 (GMT-5) at 244° 
Temperature: High of 39°F / 27°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: SW 2 mph
Events New York, 40.7840° -73.9800° January 5 2020 
SunRise: 7:20 (GMT-5) at 120° | Noon: 12:01 (GMT-5) Sun Altitude at 27° | SunSet: 16:42 (GMT-5) at 240° 
Temperature: High of 41°F / 33°F | Sun & Clouds | Wind: NW 19 mph
Vernissages & Other
Performance: "xxapollo" at Artists Space 80 White Street, 2pm
Performance: cello pieces by Niblock at Fridman 169 Bowery, 8pm
"A green new deal" at Participant Inc 253 East Houston Streest, 7-9pm
"Picturing Space: artists imagine architecture" at FIT Art & Design Gallery 227 W 27 Street, finissage, 2-5pm
"Carrier Pigeon 18" at 20/20 Gallery 323 W 39 issue release party and exhibition:, Volume 5 issue 2 5-8 reservation
"Action / Reaction / Wor(l)d" at Gallery MC 549 W 52 Street, 6-8pm