

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Web Host Provider and loss (hopefully temporary) of

My former web site provider has made impossible to transfer the domain, check what happened to the site. They have also posted unauthorized charges to my credit card after I cancelled (by email, by phone and following exactly their procedures in their web interface) the account a week before the automatic renewal. I will have to waste more time going to the credit card charges dispute. A consolation token: I am not alone, see

In this mess I am realizing how the Internet adminstration (web host providers, registras, domain registrars) lacks regulations and clear understandable rules for the consumers. is important to me! It is not just a name, but is about a vision, many projects, ideas and yes, is about creating a place where anybody can think (and act) about to contribute to make the world a better place, living in harmony with ourselves and the enviroment.

Internet "owners" (you know whom I am referring to): transfering a doman should not be a nightmare!