

Thursday, January 2, 2014

MAD Designer in Residence | Parameters, Nature, Human Body and Movement: from Numbers To Objects

What is the geometry behind leaves, starfish, flowers, clouds, waves, honeycombs, seashells or the human body and movement? 

This week's I will be "Designer in Residence" at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), and will explore the geometric laws behind natural forms to recreate them as parametric digital models, which will be fabricated using the formlabs 3D printers. Several of the digital models will be developed from the explorations of  my book Form Geometry Structure: from Nature to Design. Each day of the residency will be devoted to a different "bioform" developed from a parametric associated software and 3D printed. Several yoga postures performed by the designer will be 3D scanned and 3D printed, providing digital/printed models of frozen movements.

The "Designer in Residence" program is part of the exhibition Out of Hands: Materializing the Postdigital. at:
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm