Vernissages, NYC, April 29
Book launch: "Activity Book Launch" @ Artists Space, 38 Greene street, 7-9pm
Florian Maier-Aichen @ 303 Gallery, 547 W 21 street, 6-8pm
Screening: "Red & Mimi & Mike & George: Two Films by the Kuchar Brothers" @ Churner and Churner, 205 Tenth avenue, 7pm
Raymon Pettibon, Scott Campbell, Steven Parrino "Blankness is Not a Void" @ Marc Jancou Contemporary, 524 W 24 street, 6-9pm
Stephen Westfall "Seraphim" paintings and works on paper @ Lennon, Weinberg, 514 W 25 street, 6-8pm
Vernissages, NYC, April 28
Donald Lokuta "In Plato’s Cave: Photographs by Donald Lokuta" @ hpgrp gallery, 2-36 Little west 12 street, floor 2, 6-8pm
Michael Alan "Collapsible Anatomy" @ Gasser Grunert, 24 19th street, Tenth avenue, 6-8pm
Tim Knowles "Recorded Delivery" @ bitforms gallery, 529 W 20 street, floor 2, 6-8:30pm
Diane Samuels "A Noiseless patient spider" @ Kim Foster Gallery, 529 W 20 street, 6-8pm
Candy Jernigan, Carl Andre, Catherine Opie, Charles Gaines, Dan Graham, Douglas Huebler, Francis Alÿs, Hans Haacke, John Baldessari, Lawrence Weiner, Sam Durant, Sol LeWitt, Stanley Brouwn, Walid Raad "Locations" @ Paula Cooper Gallery, 521 W 21 street, 6-8pm
Eli Ping @ Susan Inglett Gallery, 522 W 24 street, 6-8pm
Gina Ruggeri @ Nancy Margolis Gallery, 523 W 25 street, 6-8pm
John Henry "Poetic Builder" @ Flomenhaft Gallery, 547 W 27 street, floor 2, 6-8pm
Willem de Kooning "The Figure: Movement and Gesture" @ The Pace Gallery, 32 E 57 street, 6-8pm
GALLERY NIGHT ON 57TH STREET: extended hours to 8pm
Vernissages, NYC, April 14
David Nyzio "Smoke and Mirrors" @ Postmasters Gallery, 459 W 19 street, 6-8pm
Rene Pierre Allain "Steel Bars" @ Ricco/Maresca Gallery, 529 W 20 street, 6-8pm
"Picasso and Marie-Thérèse: L'amour fou" @ Gagosian Gallery, 522 W 21 street, 6-8pm
Jeff Whetstone "Seducing Birds, Snakes, Men" @ Julie Saul Gallery, 535 W 22 street, 6-8pm
Debbie Grossman "My Pie Town" @ Julie Saul Gallery, 535 W 22 street, 6-8pm
Thierry Alet "Amistad: New Work by Thierry Alet" @ StandPipe Gallery, 150 W 25 street, 6-8pm
Xaviera Simmons, Amy Granat "Wilderness" @ Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, 526 W 26 street, #213, 6-8pm
Peter Blake "World Tour" @ Mary Ryan Gallery, 527 W 26 street, 6-8pm
Ron Kent "Organic Compositions", Wendt Gallery, 41 E 57 street, 6-8pm
Munoz Vera @ Forum Gallery, 730 Fifth avenue, 5:30-7:30pm
Vernissages, NYC, April 13
Idris Khan "The Devil's Wall" at Yvon Lambert Gallery, 550 W 21 street, 6-8pm
Events, NYC, April 12
Panel, "What Does the Brain Do? Questioning Perception, Consciousness, and Free Will", 20 Cooper Square, NYU Journalism 7th Floor, 6-8pm RSVP here
Vernissages, NYC, April 7