art and walking
art of walking
walking art
walking meditation
These are just a few combinations of two actions/perceptions, which could be passive and active states at the same time.
I titled a series of postings "camminando" as generated by spontaneous encounters with aesthetically stimulating events, in the natural, social and cultural (mainly "art" oriented) urban and land-scape.
Walking brings a sense of completion and fulfilment in experiencing our surrounding space; finding aesthetic qualities for often ordinary environments and contexts, both in nature on in city streets.
Each place can offer "beauty" and be appreciated in terms of its complexity of layers from its physical characterization in space and time ---geographic location, geology, topography, climate--- to its man-made transformation in the infrastructure and architecture.
The poetics of the quotidian can be found at every step we take, when we are mindful of every moment in time and space. As mindfulness is present in meditation, walking can be a meditative state, as often defined in walking meditations.
I document my walks whenever I encounter something stimulating. My language is mainly visual, although words ---spoken or written--- are often integrated in the walk documentation. My walk accessories, besides clothing and shoes include one or more cameras and a phone for voice recording. Recently my walking has been facilitated by smart phone, where all the recording ---both visual and audio--- can be integrated in one small object ---as a designer I am in love with functionality!