Tuesday, April 12, 2016

vernissages | NYC, April 5-9

Among unseasonably cold or warm weather spring has arrived in New York and the majority of trees are not in full bloom yet. Nevertheless walking to vernissages is always a pleasant activity bringing peacefulness and enjoyment. Below are my picks of the week, with a preference for geometric explorations:
Pat Steir at Pace Print

Enrico Castellani at Dominique Lévy Gallery

Rethinking Space: Work from Post-War Italy at De Buck Gallery

Dennis Adams at Kent Fine Art
Olivia Fraser mandalas and other sacred geometries at "The Sacred Garden" at Sundaram Tagore

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

elections | April 4: Bern NY Bern!

The event is introduced by a speaker who quote another speaking who quoted Benjamin Franklin's  “A Republic, if you can keep it”, stated at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Beyond the quoting of quoting, Benjamin Franklin's statement still offers food for thoughts. Republic, or democracy, is definitely at stake in the US. Bernie is the only hope to champion the overall issues which the country is facing, from climate change to economical / social equality.