Rome hosts the European edition of Maker Faire. It is the fourth year that the city celebrates the art and science of making, always on a different site to accommodate the exponentially growing number of visitors. The site of the 2016 edition is the Fiera di Roma, the new fourteen pavilions exhibition ground near the airport Leonardo da Vinci in Fiumicino, which open to the public in 2006. 110,000 visitors attended the Rome edition during the three days of the Faire, October 14-16.
It has been my first participation to the Rome Maker Faire, where I presented Making Moves the exhibition/performance shown at the New York Maker Faire two weeks earlier. it was quite a discovery to learn how welcomed the event is by the city: creativity and innovation are present in almost any stand, celebrated.
Middle and high school student en masse came to visit the exhibition on October 14. It was hectic and chaotic. After the students left the Maker Faire opened to the public, with exhibitions, performances, demonstrations and presentations.
Middle and high school student en masse came to visit the exhibition on October 14. It was hectic and chaotic. After the students left the Maker Faire opened to the public, with exhibitions, performances, demonstrations and presentations.