The city is a fabric: similarly to the weaving of a tapestry, the urban texture of buildings and streets (solids and voids) intersects many layers of social realities, in the physical and emotional dynamic interactions of people and activities.
The collaborative exhibition "Weaving In & Out", presented by No Longer Empty, well captures the urban fabric, both literally and metaphorically; it is located in the ground raw floor of an East Harlem residential property called "Tapestry" ---the name could not have been more appropriate! The exhibition brings together many different media and themes connected ---or, to better say, woven--- by the idea of fabric as a spatial explorations in the relationship of the installations to the site as well as narrative. Three-dimensional installations based on found and ephemeral materials co-exist with video and large scale drawings as well as performances expanding from the exhibition space to the nearby streets.
Urban environmentalism is one the main themes of the exhibits which will be open to the public until August 2010.
Weaving In & Out
245 East 124 Street