The past week has been one of the toughest, in the roller-coaster
of my academic and personal journey and I decided to carry my practice outside, wherever the day was taking me. Although I practiced
outdoor only once, during a warm spring announcing day, carrying the yoga mat has provided a sense of safety from my feeling of vulnerability, becoming the Linus blanket du jour. Although a yoga practice does not require a mat, this physical object
has it own value and its presence makes me feel less vulnerable. A yoga mat —or whatever space occupying object— represents a potential to
occupy a mobile space with your identity, a visible marker of a temporary occupied territory, even if the location moves: it becomes a metaphor of
"being in the world" a liaison/interface between body and earth. And it is also a way to affirm diversity, especially in a place where yoga is definitely not a mainstream practice as in in my home town.
I am truly looking forward to next week: hopefully spring will be coming to stay!