Lincoln Road, in the heart of Miami Beach, is coming full circle. A flurry of new building by world renown architects has pushed Miami Beach into a new stratosphere beyond its previous heyday (30's to early 60's), culminating with the opening of Gehry's New World Symphony campus this week.
It is exhilarating to see where technology has taken us. Frank Gehry and Michael Tilson Thomas put their heads together to produce a synergistic blast-off into a New World of symphonic experience.
Visir their web site for in-depth information: New World Symphony

greets the first audience outside the concert hall on the huge 7-story WALLCAST projection.

Beautiful bouganvillia bushes are planted in each; one day take over the shapes to create a riot of floral color over the forms.
The views and design are so stunning that people hold weddings and other events on the top floor. The fabulous clothing store, AlChemists, resides alone on one of the upper most floors.
The Grand Opening of Gehry's New World Center presented a wall video mural by artists Tal Rosner and C.E.B. Reas. Outside entertainment was provided by the band, Tiempo Libre. It was the first time Gehry had seen the project finished and was moved to tears.