NOW Contemporary Art Gallery

Long-Bin Chen's Bookface at NOW Contemporary Art
Gallery Walks are a fact of modern life; Miami has a plethora of scheduled nights throughout a variety of artist enclaves.

Nick Gentry's paint on floppy discs at Robert Fontaine Gallery
Wynwood is an old area that has, in the past 10+ years, risen from a lonely warehouse section of Miami, to housing a vibrant and eclectic art environment. Today, it still can vacillate wildly from streets lonely with tumble weeds (speaking metaphorically, of course) to a vital neighborhood pulsating with life on Gallery night.

Michel Bickford's Intergalactic World's Fair Portal at Harold Golen Gallery
Every few months I check in with Wynwood’s offerings on second Saturday eve. Apparently “people” are back in town from their summers in the Berkshires/Hamptons/Maine, as it was a jam-packed street “mise en scene”.
Galleries are already ramping up the volume on exhibitions in prep for Fall blending into Art Basel season. During Art Basels December onslaught, Wynwood is awash with pop-up galleries in empty warehouses along with satellite fairs erected in large tents or any available space.

Dozens of gourmet food trucks gather in an empty Wynwood lot on Gallery Night
Many of Miami’s voracious collectors house their collections in warehouses open to the public year ‘round: Rubell and Margulies, plus the de la Cruz Collection just to the north in the Design District. Bernice Steinbaum from NY’s SoHo district was the first to build a stylish gallery in Wynwood at the turn of the century (this one), along with gutsy pioneer Brook Dorsch, who took over a lamp factory and crack house in a tiny, unloved back street for his Dorsch Gallery. Dorsch and Steinbaum both have sites front and center in the action, where once there was darkened streets of potholes and questionable characters. You may still find a selection of both, truth be known.

Miguel Parades, Urban Realist
The Wynwood Second Saturday takes place monthly from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. North Miami Avenue to I95 and runs from 10th to 36th Street.

Martin Carbajal's BLACK BONE series tells short stories at Waltman|Ortega Fine Art

Miguel Paredes fine Art Gallery

..and the people pepper galleries with personal visual "art"