Sunday, May 4, 2014

camminando | M~M 2014 Extreme Artwalk

Geelong Waterfront views, from Moorabool Street
Artwalks are always a great example of art engaging communities. I have been a participant of several artwalks in the US and am very interesting in the upcoming M~M 2014 Extreme Artwalk, "an astounding original 24-hour 'extreme arts' pilgrimage - an 80km biennial journey in 12 stages that creates a contemporary songline across the municipality of Geelong, Victoria, Australia on 9th - 10th May 2014." I will be participant not as an artist, but as carrier of the symbolic canoe, which I "encountered" yesterday in the briefing at the Geelong National Wool Museum, where making wool is an art form per se.

The unusual canoe which will be carried during M~M
Views from the Geelong National Wool Museum in Moorabool Street